Sustainable corporate management also entails safeguarding our employees` jobs and creating reliable and competitive working conditions. We place great importance on treating each other with consideration and respect. For this reason we provide training programs to our employees regularly.
Social responsibiility
Our social responsibility is something we take very seriously. The responsible handling of social conditions is therefore an integral part of our corporate principles, both inside and outside the company. Social responsibility includes relationships with business partners, neighboring communities and other social institutions as well as with our employees. We aspire to be a valuable and reliable partner to our customers, suppliers and other business partners. We live according the rule: we do what we say we will do!
We maintain good neighborly terms with the citizens and representatives of the communities near our sites. We respect their concerns in the management of our company whenever possible within the scope of our possibilities. We inform neighboring communities in a timely and transparent manner about any noticeable changes. We are always prepared to enter into a fair dialog.
Compliance with relevant legal regulations and regulatory requirements is crucial to us. This also includes the respect for human rights at all our locations. We pay attention to the compliance with the legal rules of the competition law. We explicitly oppose any form of forced or child labor. We oppose fraud, corruption, blackmailing and bribery. This also means that we examine and resolve potential conflicts of interest at an early stage.
We place a high value on protecting the health of our employees. Occupational safety and health protection is therefore a great significance to us. It is complemented by health management, including offers for exercise, nutrition and relaxation for all employees.
We place great importance on treating each other with consideration and respect. For this reason we provide training programs to our executive employees regularly. We oppose any form of discrimination and personal denigration. Measures to prevent this are anchored in our rules and management principles, as well as in our Code of Conduct.
We stand for consideration,
respect and security

Sustainable corporate management
Sustainable corporate management also entails safeguarding our employees` jobs and creating reliable and competitive working conditions. It goes without saying that our employment conditions comply with or exceed all legal, union or industry provisions with regard to working hours and remuneration. A works council was elected at SCHAEFER KALK even before the introduction of the Works Constitution Act 1952. We aspire to bring together employer and employees interests in a spirit of partnership and fairness and develop workable solutions for both sides.
At SCHAEFER KALK special value is placed on the professional training of young people. We thereby make sure we obtain the necessary new skilled employees. However, we also offer apprenticeship places in excess of our demand, in order to give young people embarking on their career the opportunity of a qualified start into their professional life. Our employees take part in examination committees of the Chambers of Commerce and other relevant institutions involved in training. We also provide regular supervision and internships for school and university students.
Furthermore, we involve ourselves as a business enterprise along with our employees in social and cultural, local or regional projects. We provide both financial and professional assistance and support. SCHAEFER KALK particularly promotes cultural commitment. This range from the Oranienstein Concerts - a series of classic music events of the highest standard - to supporting the Culture and Youth Promotion Circle "Altes Kalkwerk", where more than 40 music groups and various artists practice and perform on a regular basis. In addition, we regularly assist schools, kindergartens and associations in the communities where we are located in the fulfillment of their tasks which exceed their own financial capacities.
The social commitment is also practiced by the company shareholders themselves. Thus they regularly donate a portion of their profits to non-profit projects, e.g. with the objective of supporting the neediest Nepalese or protecting and preserving nature and people in Africa.