Lime as a basic raw material is a vital and integral part of our daily lives. We at SCHAEFER KALK supply lime at its best. Our innovative products with their proven and consistently high quality are used in a wide range of applications.

With more than 160 years of tradition, we are a family-owned company in its fifth generation that is committed to continuity, taking responsibility and operating in a sustainable manner. We are therefore not only a reliable partner for our customers, business partners and employees, but are also actively involved in our region.

Latest Schaefer Kalk developments.

On May 8th, we honored a total of 30 jubilarians for their many years of service and loyalty to the company.

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EUVIA - We take occupational safety further!

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The preparatory work for this is currently underway

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At the end of last year, there was a good reason to celebrate...

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Construction work for a photovoltaic plant on the Silberfeld dumpside between Hahnstätten and Lohrheim is progressing rapidly.

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