Obligation to provide information for applicants

Dear applicant,
the protection of your personal data during the entire application process is important to us.

We, SCHAEFER KALK GmbH & Co. KG, are the controller in the sense of data protection law. The GDPR and the provisions of the BDSG (new) (German Federal Data Protection Act) are applicable.

As a company, we would like to describe in the following how we process your applicant data within the application process.

1. Processor of the applicant data

Marcus Glinka
Email: marcus.glinka(at)schaeferkalk.de

2. Data Protection Officer

Klaus Keukert
S&L ITcompliance GmbH
Florinstraße 18
56218 Mülheim-Kärlich

Telephone: +49 (0) 261 92736 - 155
Email: datenschutz(at)schaeferkalk.de

3. Personal data

We process your documents and the personal data they contain. These include name, address, telephone number and date of birth, for example. 

4. Processing of personal data

During the application process, you provide us with personal data. These data are classified according to the following data types and categories:

  • personal data (first and last name, date of birth, address, school leaving certificate)
  • communication data (telephone number, email)
  • information data (from third parties, e.g. information from public directories)
  • applicant photograph
  • academic data (school, vocational training, military or alternative civilian service, university degree, doctorate)
  • career history, training certificates and work references
  • job application history
  • desired salary details
  • data for assessment and evaluation within the application process

5. Use and transfer of personal data

The personal data you provide in your application will be used solely for the purpose of processing your application for the advertised position. All persons who receive access to your data are involved in the application process. All employees who process your data are bound to confidentiality.

Your data will not be transferred to third parties unless you have provided us with written consent to do so or a court order requires us to transfer it.

6. Storage and erasure

Your data will be automatically erased within 3 - 6 months after completion of the relevant application process.

This does not apply if legal provisions preclude erasure.

If you have consented to longer storage, your data will be stored in accordance with the storage period specified in the consent and then erased.

7. Security

We have taken all necessary technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data from any loss of confidentiality, availability or integrity.

8. Right to information and objection

You have the right at any time to request free information about the personal data and the information specified in Article 15 GDPR.

If you have given your consent for us to store your application for a longer period of time, you can withdraw this consent at any time without giving a reason.

Please address all requests for information and objections to us by email to personal(at)schaeferkalk.de

9. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

Notwithstanding any other administrative or judicial recourse, you may also lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority that has jurisdiction over us if you believe that the processing of data concerning you is in breach of the GDPR. The supervisory authority responsible for SCHAEFER KALK GmbH is:

The Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Rheinland-Pfalz (State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of the State of Rheinland-Pfalz)
Hintere Bleiche 34
55116 Mainz